
Chiropractors are experts in spinal health and injury prevention. It’s no surprise that this natural method is the first option for many low back pain sufferers around the world. Chiropractic is a gentle and non-invasive approach that people have been turning to for over a century.

Chiropractic care for lower back pain aims to reduce discomfort, promote mobility, and strengthen core muscles. The goal is to improve coordination, agility, and strength in the lower back area.

Evidence-based research supports patient success stories about chiropractic treatment. This approach helps ease nagging symptoms and enhances performance in everyday activities. Results include improved coordination, agility, and strength in the lower back area.


Diagnosing Low Back Pain

Identifying the root cause of low back pain can be challenging, but it is a critical first step. If you’re experiencing discomfort in your lower back, here is what to expect from your chiropractor:

Step 1: Initial Consultation and Medical History Assessment

Your chiropractor will listen to you as you provide information about your health background. Details of previous injuries, surgeries, lifestyle habits, and current symptoms are all relevant. It is crucial to be accurate and thorough during this stage, as it helps shape your low back pain treatment plan.

Step 2: Comprehensive Physical Examination

After the initial consultation, you will receive a comprehensive physical examination. While the focus is primarily on the spine, other areas may also be included to ensure a complete evaluation. Your chiropractor will explain everything to you during the visit.

This examination often includes general tests such as:

  • measuring blood pressure
  • checking height & weight
  • checking pulse rate

Additionally, a more focused evaluation will include:

  • range of motion in the affected area(s)
  • muscle strength assessment
  • specific orthopedic tests to check nerves, muscles, and joints
Step 3: Diagnostic Imaging (If Necessary)

Usually, we don’t need X-rays on your first visit. However, your chiropractor may ask for an X-ray or other imaging tests if your case requires it. 

At InTouch in Bahrain, we offer comprehensive assessments for chiropractic treatments. Our team will conduct a thorough examination and explain if diagnostic tests are necessary for you. Sharing details about your injuries or lifestyle with your chiropractor is essential.

Step 4: Understand Your Treatment Options for Low Back Pain

Your chiropractor will provide a full Report of Findings. This includes:

  • the root cause of your lower back pain
  • your treatment options
  • your long-term prognosis

InTouch Center provides various therapeutic options for managing low back pain. These options include spinal adjustments, exercise rehabilitation, massage therapy, and more. We’re all about giving you personalized treatments that match your specific needs. 

Learning about your condition and what we recommend is very important when it comes to dealing with lower back pain. It helps you make informed choices that are just right for you. Our ultimate goal (beyond temporary relief) is to prevent the recurrence of symptoms.


Evidence-based Chiropractic Protocols for Low Back Pain

Chiropractic treatment has proven to be highly effective in alleviating low back discomfort. A properly aligned spine can help your body heal itself without requiring surgery or drugs.

Chiropractors focus on improving your functionality while reducing pain levels. This holistic approach allows better management of symptoms associated with lower back issues.

Understanding Spinal Adjustments: The Core of Chiropractic Care

A chiropractic spinal adjustment aims to improve spinal joint motion. This is achieved by applying a targeted pressure to the restricted joints.

When an injury occurs or repeated stress takes its toll on our bodies, inflammation and discomfort follow suit. This inflammation can also disrupt nerve function. By performing adjustments, chiropractors help the body reduce pain and restore normal mobility.

Patients enjoy regular chiropractic adjustments for pain relief and long-term benefits such as:

  • improved posture
  • increased flexibility
  • a general feeling of well-being

Incorporating Targeted Exercises

Exercise routines aim to strengthen the muscles around the lower back. This leads to boosting stability and reducing discomfort along the way. You’ll also be introduced to specific stretches designed to improve muscle elasticity.

Your chiropractor and the exercise rehab team will guide you through the exercises best for you during sessions at InTouch. 

Studies show that regular stretching improves muscle health, improving overall movement. Increased agility enhances performance in all daily activities. Low back mobility reduces the risk of injuries by protecting our bodies against sudden strains or sprains.

Building Core Strength for a Healthy Low Back

You might wonder, “Why should I care about core strength?” or “Isn’t that just for fitness enthusiasts?”. In fact, your core muscles are essential for everyday activities and play a crucial role in managing lower back pain.

Having a solid set of core muscles is not just about appearance. It forms the foundation of our daily movements. Strengthening these muscles helps improve overall body strength and spinal alignment. Improved balance is another advantage of having strong core muscles, which reduces the risk of falls or injuries,

Bonus Fact: A study cited by PubMed Central showed more improvement and satisfaction one month after treatment in participants who regularly visited their chiropractors compared to those treated without chiropractic.

Dr. Amy Bowzaylo
Dr. Amy Bowzaylo